it works

How do the sessions actually work? What is the contracting procedure?

What you can expect in terms of timing and structure:

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to coaching. A coach must customise their approach within their broader methodology to find unique ways to enable their coachee, drawing from many differing theories and supporting methods. The process shown below shows the most likely process you can expect from my coaching engagements.


The process begins with a thorough understanding of the business requirements and objectives of the coaching from both the corporate and the personal perspective. A discussion with all the stakeholders is held and then a contract detailing the agreed requirement on outcomes for the company is put in place and signed by the sponsor, client and coach. Once this is clear and defined, with measurable outcomes, the coaching process can begin.


Coaching interventions normally involve 6 – 12 sessions, 3 weeks to a month apart. Depending on the objectives, the coach is also sometimes required to attend meetings with the client or to undertake 360 meetings with relevant team members or management for purposes of feedback into the client’s development plan.

Measurable Objectives

Meetings are held with the sponsor and other stakeholders at agreed intervals to be able to gauge the progress of the coaching and to discuss how the coachee is showing up since the coaching. There are usually both organisational and personal measures per individual but only the business outcomes are reviewed.


Whilst feedback is provided to the sponsor of the coaching regarding progress against the measurables that were contracted, with the coachee present, the contents of the coaching are completely private and never divulged.


If required, the coach will use the company’s existing assessments as the basis of feedback given and add others that are appropriate if required. Existing HR standards and company culture and values are taken into consideration and incorporated into the coaching. Should it be appropriate for the particular intervention, other tests might be included, such as Enneagram, Strengthsfinder, etc

Levels within the organisation

Coaching is appropriate for all levels of management and leadership. The methods and frameworks used are adjusted according to the outcome required from the intervention and the learning style of the individual

Required by the coach:

Copies of any relevant assessment documents (only if required to be included by the company); some background on the candidate, an open line to the sponsor to discuss any challenges that might arise; leadership support for any agreed course of action when the coachee is back in the work environment.

Required from the coachee:

An open mind, commitment to the coaching experience and a desire to learn. Monthly meeting time of 1.5 – 2 hours as contracted.

Who is an ideal candidate?

  • Executives that are running divisions or businesses
  • Individuals that have moved to new positions of responsibility
  • Those staff you wish to retain and see on a fast-track growth process
  • Those executives and senior managers escalating into a new role that requires a different level of work from a strategic or interdependent perspective
  • People with individual personal challenges that might provide barriers to their future growth in the company
  • Teams that require a deeper understanding of each other
  • Teams involved in strategic growth or change